Jan Capek | Polygon Armchair Jan Capek | Polygon Armchairczech design | 2005 | Polygonfurniture | armchair | steel, leather

Jan Čapek | Polygon Armchair | 2005 | 74 x 61 x 70 cm | Furniture, Furniture | Seating | Design | price: EUR 1 695 incl. VAT

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The Polygon armchair was designed by Jan Čapek in 2005. Since then four pieces have been made, each differing from the others in the design of the legs, type of upholstery and color combination. The armchair is made from sheet steel. The individual parts are cut and bent under pressure into various shapes. These sections are spray-painted and then assembled with screws to form the final product. This armchair version rests on a central swivel leg. The leather upholstery is black and is stitched through the metal.


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< backJan Čapek | *1976