Kateřina Smolíková

Kateřina Smolíková

Kateřina Smolíková studies at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague in the Studio of Glass with Professor Vladimír Kopecký. Before her university studies, she graduated from the Václav Hollar Art School and from the College of Applied Arts (field Painting and Associated Techniques). The focus of Smolíková’s hitherto education is probably the reason why the artist is not limited by the craftsmanship and technological aspects of glass and is thus able to explore and discover her own way of expressing herself in the given material. She employs many glass-processing techniques including blowing, melting and casting. Smolíková likes to experiment and explore the possibilities of glass; she is not afraid of large dimensions and colors, which is not always easy do achieve in the case of this translucent matter. Moreover, she not always respects established glass technologies and established ways of glass production. Smolíková mainly employs the medium of glass to express her artistic intention. She draws inspiration from natural motifs and her own memories of landscapes. Her glass objects and paintings abound with structures and perceptions of color and bespeak of her characteful approach to glass for which she owes, amongst others, to her Professor, Vladimír Kopecký, whose main goal is to guide his students towards self-reliance and provide them great freedom in their creative expression.


Artworks of this author offered by Prague Art & Design

Corolla | Kateřina SmolíkováPomegranate | Kateřina SmolíkováMetaphors of Time and Memory  | Kateřina SmolíkováBirth in the Structure of Glass  | Kateřina Smolíková

Kateřina Smolíková

* 1981, Prague, Czech Republic

Group Exhibitions

Transparency Nation