Filomena Borecká

Filomena Borecká

The oeuvre of this young artist is predominantly focused on complex and impressive, large-dimensional drawings and also installations that are often linked with performances. Borecká graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague and later studied in Paris which is presently her main place of residence. Apart from drawings, she moreover works on entire books or, for example, creates an actual bank of breathes where she collects breath samples of famous personalities. She exhibits both in the Czech Republic and abroad. Her phenomenal drawings, executed in color crayons, as if captured personal data which we carry hidden in ourselves while, on the other hand, can computer-generate on a common basis. This is why these as well as other works by Filoména Borecká return to the archetypes of our knowledge and memory.


Artworks of this author offered by Prague Art & Design

Kumulus | Filomena BoreckáUnder the skin | Filomena Borecká

Filomena Borecká

* 1977, Prague, Czech republic

Solo Exhibitions

2011 | Filomena Borecka - Oxymorons